Join a band, get involved with a theatre production, experiment with drawing and photography or explore journalism with our college magazine – our Creatives Extension Studies offer you the opportunity to experiment and develop your skills in your creative area of interest.

Short Courses
TV journalism

This course will provide you with the knowledge and skills to create an exciting factual TV programme.
Having myself worked for over 20 in factual programming and newsgathering I am excited to share my experience with you.
We will looking into news-gathering, production, reporting skills, writing for broadcast, filming and self-shooting, video editing and researching stories.
At the end of the course, you will have the skills that will make you a desirable candidate for work experience in TV broadcasting. You will also have completed a short documentary or news report for your showreel.
The Television journalism course is a great choice for anyone who is thinking of pursuing a career in newsgathering or documentary making.
Exploring drawing

This complementary study will allow you to explore and experiment with a range of different drawing techniques. You will create a collection of drawings using a range of media and approaches. It will enable you to develop your drawing skills through practising with a variety of traditional and contemporary media and subject matter.
The course is suitable for all levels from those who have little experience of drawing through to those who are possibly studying a creative subject as part of their programme of study. You will create a sketchbook of portrait drawings which will be a fantastic addition to your portfolio and a valuable addition to your application if you are intending to study on an Art Foundation or Degree course in the future.
Costs: £10 which covers costs for art materials.
Photography - a flexible skill

Photography surrounds us and is now more a part of everyone’s life than it ever was before. So why not learn how to create beautiful images and be a better image maker?
We cover the fundamental basics of exposure and composition in the first term, lots of practical shooting with digital SLR cameras in groups and a chance to meet new friends. You will start to look at postproduction, using Photoshop and learning tricks of the photographic trade! By the end of the course, you will have a good understanding of digital cameras, Photoshop, and you will have created your own photographic portfolio. You do not need any of your own kit or experience – just a passion for photography! This course is not suitable for those studying A Level Photography.
Introduction to photography darkroom

The darkroom sessions will aim to enhance student understanding of earlier photographic development processes and give an exciting introduction to the darkroom environment.
This course is suited to those students who have experience in photography and working an SLR camera. This would be an ideal choice for students thinking about continuing photography after Esher and those that would like to experience a hands-on process week by week.
You will be able to expand on previous photographic knowledge and gain additional skills and get creative with alternative camera-free processes such as photograms and cyanotypes. The use of black and white 35mm film will also be included allowing students to process their own and develop photographs in a traditional manner.
Costs: £15 covers film, photographic paper, and chemicals.
College Production

If you are interested in College Production or Theatre Workshop you must attend the Audition Workshop on Thursday 7th September at 2.00pm in the Drama Studio.
The College Production is a production of a play which can include ensemble work, dance and music. This course offers the opportunity to creatively collaborate with other students, gain experience in performing and develop skills such as teamwork and communication. In addition to the 2 periods timetabled on Wednesday afternoons there are some additional rehearsals, which take place outside of college hours. We pride ourselves on a high standard of production and therefore expect 100% attendance and commitment.
Our productions usually perform over 3 evenings to an invited audience. In previous productions, many students have been involved on stage, backstage or in creating the costumes and set. Any student can audition to become part of the company as an actor, dancer or singer.
If you are interested in College Production or Theatre Workshop you must attend the Audition Workshop on Thursday 7th September at 2.00pm in the Drama Studio. There is no preparation required – you will be asked to work in groups and perform some scripted extracts. We use this to manage numbers and help select which course would be better suited to you. We will then be able to confirm if you have a place in the College Production or the Theatre Workshop.
Improving your sketchbook

This course would be beneficial to any student studying a creative course. Or anyone who would like to make a sketchbook of artwork for an application to study on an Art Foundation course of creative Degree course, or just for fun!
You will be given help to improve the presentation and quality of your sketchbook. You will have access to work with a range of materials and will be given help to complete your art with varied approaches. You can also have support with your written annotation. This is a great opportunity to refine the quality of your sketchbook and complete your work.
Introduction to Digital Collage Illustration (and animation)

Learn how to use Adobe Photoshop to combine found and original materials in the creation of the graphic/illustrative images that are often seen in magazines, on book and album covers, and in advertising.
You will be introduced to transformation tools, masks, and blends, explore image layering and juxtaposition, how to add/mix traditional and digital painting and drawing techniques with a digital collage process, as well as approaches to composition and conceptual thinking. You will also be introduced to gif animation creation to make your images move.
Build a body of images/illustrations/designs which could form part of your coursework submission for any creative A Levels you are studying and could also be added to your portfolio work if you wish to apply for an art foundation course or a visual arts-based degree programme.
This course would suit any student who will be studying on any creative course, but it is also open to any student who enjoys art/image-making and was unable to continue studying a creative A Level. No previous/software experience or advanced drawing skills necessary, beginners welcome!
Come and explore, experiment, and enjoy making unusual juxtapositions and compelling visual collisions, and learn how to make them move!
Love portrait drawing

Each week you will explore and experiment drawing the portrait.
You will gain experience drawing using a range of materials, on different scales, with varied approaches. This is a fun course where you will improve your drawing skills and gain confidence in recording and working from life.
You will produce a body of drawings which could be part of your coursework submission for A Level Fine and BTEC Art and Design. These will be essential in your portfolio if you wish to apply to study for an Art Foundation course or on any Arts based Degree course.
This course would suit any student who will be studying on any creative course at it will supplement the portfolio and improve drawing skills. Yet it is also open to any student who enjoys drawing and was unable to continue studying a creative A Level course. No previous experience necessary!
Come and have fun drawing!
World film club

Film is a vast vault of stories stretching back over 100 years, across every continent and told in every language. And yet, we mostly access only the tip of this cultural iceberg: mainstream blockbusters from the USA and the odd British film that makes it to the multiplexes.
In our World Cinema Club, we will expand your horizons, providing you with the opportunity to watch a wide variety of genres, experimental narratives and fun-filled mainstream films. too. All this, but with a difference – every film we watch will be an international feature film.
World Film Club is a great choice for anyone who is thinking of pursuing a film-related degree and career. It is also brilliant for all film lovers.
Small Print: Please be aware that as we will watch foreign films, you will have to read lots and lots of subtitles…
Long Courses
College band

Great for any student wishing to be in a Popular Music band. This is a great opportunity to work within a group of likeminded musicians in order to improve your technique and have fun!
Highly suitable for those students looking to study a music related degree at university. Ability to play guitar, bass, drums, keyboard, or sing required.
Performances occur throughout the year at Open Mic, Canteen Gigs, Events and Open Evening. Opportunities to perform with the wider community are also available. The best Band will also be offered recording opportunities at the end of the year.
Theatre workshop

Theatre Workshop is focused on acting and developing performance skills and usually ends with a performance of extracts or a short play to an invited audience. There is the opportunity to explore different genres and styles of theatre through practical workshops.
You will work creatively together with the support of second year student directors. In the lead up to a performance, some additional rehearsals outside of the 2 periods timetabled will be scheduled to ensure a high standard of production and we expect students to be committed.
If you are interested in you must attend the Audition Workshop on Thursday 1st September at 1:30pm in the Drama Studio.
There is no preparation required – you will be asked to work in groups and perform some scripted extracts. We use this to manage numbers and help select which course would be better suited to you. We will then be able to confirm if you have a place in the College Production or the Theatre Workshop.
Advanced Music Theory

For all students wishing to progress to Grade 6 on their instrument. This covers the main areas of music theory such as time signatures, key signatures, notes and clefs, intervals, transposition, melody writing, chord progressions, scales and cadences.
Jazz Funk band

A workshop style rehearsal slot each week for you to learn to play Jazz in a fun and practical environment. It will include improvisation practice and development of skills for all players.
You need to be able to read music, and have an ability to play from memory/by ear is also an asset.
Performances take place each half term at regular performance events such as Open Mic, Concerts and Recitals, Introduction Evening, Open Evening and Performance Tour.
Regular attendance is important for the ensemble to blend and develop. All participants must come ready and prepared to play each week.
Contemporary vocal

3-part vocal ensemble singing a variety of contemporary popular and musical theatre songs, with piano or band accompaniment. Regular opportunities to perform at Open Mic sessions, local community events such as the Elmbridge Festival, and Christmas Concerts in and out of college.
Regular attendance is essential for the ensemble to blend and develop in terms of musical ability and tone. All singers will have a voice workshop at the start of the year, to assess vocal range and will then sing either, Soprano, Mezzo-soprano, Alto, Tenor or Bass.
A lively and fun singing opportunity. All singers are very welcome!
Drama audition workshop

This is for students who wish to prepare for Drama school or for studying Drama at university.
You will perform drama pieces either on your own or in pairs. We will perform both Shakespeare and contemporary monologues.
Love life drawing

Each week you will explore and experiment drawing a clothed figure.
You will gain experience drawing using a range of materials, on different scales, with varied approaches. This is a fun course where you will improve your drawing skills and gain confidence in recording and working from life.
You will produce a body of drawings which could be part of your coursework submission for A Level Fine Art, Fashion and Art and Design. These will be essential in your portfolio if you wish to apply to study for an Art Foundation course or on any Arts based Degree course.
This course would suit any student who will be studying on any creative course at it will supplement the portfolio and improve drawing skills. Yet it is also open to any student who enjoys drawing and was unable to continue studying a creative A Level course. No previous experience necessary!
Come and have fun drawing!
Illustration workshop

This workshop will help to broaden your understanding of illustration using traditional printing techniques, drawing, painting and collage.
You will gain experience using specialist techniques, tools and materials within a fun and engaging environment.
This course would suit any student who will be studying on any creative course at it will supplement the portfolio and improve understanding of methods, printing and composition/layout skills.
It is also open to any student who would like to develop a new skill and learn more about this artistic pathway. No previous experience necessary!
Music Tech: Logic for beginners

This is a course for any Music Technology students and musicians who want to learn a more detailed approach to using the Digital Audio Workstation Logic X which we run in the college’s Music Department Mac Suite, M006.
Great Esher sewing bee

Do you wish you could sew? Then come and learn!
You will be designing and creating a personalised cushion, which will build your confidence with the sewing machines and great for a personal handmade Christmas gift. You will then move on to a pair of shortie PJ bottoms.
Once you have gained confidence with the sewing machine, you can then start to upcycle or recycle your own clothes.
No prior sewing skills are necessary. We will start you from the beginning. Equally, if you already have sewing skills, you can learn more advanced skills and more complicated processes and techniques.
This course will help you to develop a variety of skills which include:
- Individual artistic skills
- Communication and teamwork
- Practical and creative skills
- Analytical and research skills
College magazine

Are you a budding journalist? Do you relish the written word and do you want to get your opinion across about things that matter to you?
You will work in a small team to create a magazine, outlining key events and activities and commenting on current affairs, fashion and any other areas of interest.
You will learn In-Design and will develop layout skills as well as how to write succinctly and in an engaging way. This is the course for you if you are interested in a journalistic career and enjoy writing and sharing ideas.