Where do our students go when they leave Esher Sixth Form College?

The majority of our students go on to university after leaving Esher. However, a growing proportion of our students are applying for apprenticeships and we also have students who choose to take a gap year, go into full time employment and those who enrol on Art Foundation Courses. The pie chart below shows the breakdown of destinations from our 2022 leavers.
University Destinations
744 students went on to study at university in September 2022. Please click on the following link to see the UCAS Destination Map. This map shows the number of students accepted to UK universities and colleges from Esher Sixth Form College in 2022:
Esher Sixth Form College students attend high quality universities. The following table shows the proportions of students who accept places at different types of universities, based on the grades or ‘tariff’ they demand. The Higher Tariff universities include the Russell Group and the Sutton Trust’s list of 30 of the most selective, research-intensive universities.
2022 Leavers Destinations Pie Chart